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Minggu, 21 Juli 2013


Earth where humans live contains two kinds of creatures, that God created the creatures of the creatures that are anoganis and other creatures that are organic. To distinguish them, is often referred to as the first and the second inanimate beings. These objects can not move by themselves but by outside forces. For example gas, which can move up as the temperature rises, because the gas will be lighter and will soar to the top. The above objects to be used by the NII human life, like the air to breathe, ari for drinking, bathing, cooking, and washing, and rock mining for residential as well as for trade.
As for the characteristics of plant life is as follows:• Power movement, efforts are being made to preserve his life.• instinct to defend itself in plants is also simple• The will to develop the passive offspring• The characteristics of animal life, among others, as follows:• Power movement of the animals have been seen than umbuhan, such as the effort to survive• instinct for self-evident mempertahanka either actively or passively.• instinct to develop active offspring, because they are mempunyaijenis sex as a breeding tool.• The process of formation of the Universe
after the explosion (Big Bang), there was some sort of natural disaster universe (cosmic Cataclysm). The universe is filled with balls of fire very hot and dense. Of fireballs is then formed elementary particles and energy charges, of charge-charge energy is then formed on the strength of the forces of the universe. Estimated power of natural forces first formed is the force of gravity, then nuclear power and electromagnetic power.
human instinct has always wanted to know the origin of things, including the origins of the universe. Various observations were analyzed with the support of the theories of physics to reveal the origins of the universe. The theory is now believed the evidence states that the universe began with a big explosion (Big Bang) approximately 13.7 billion years ago. All matter and energy in the universe which are now collected in a single dimensionless point of infinite density. But it should not be imagined as if it were a point somewhere in the universe we know today. True, good materials, energy, and space they occupy the whole volume is very small, only one dimensionless point.There is not an iota in the universe which can be regarded as the center of the explosion. In other words the big bang the universe is not like a bomb exploded from a single point in all directions. This is because the whole essence of nature participate in the blast. More precisely, the whole universe suddenly expanded simultaneously. When that's the beginning formed matter, space, and time.• UNIQUE HUMAN NATURE• Humans as living beings umumnyamempunayi the following characteristics:• complex body organs and is very special, especially otaknay that humans are intelligent and wise beings (homo sapiens).• Conducting metabolism or pertuakran substances, namely the presence of substances in and out of her body.• Provide responses to stimuli from inside and outside.• has the potential to grow well.• Growing and moving• Interact with the environment, it means:TASTE INAGIN KNOWThe natural sciences, stems from the curiosity that is characteristic of humans. Curiosity, not shared by other creatures. Clear that curiosity was not owned by inanimate objects. What about the living things such as plants and animals?
A tree, for example, show signs of growth and motion, but the motion was limited to maintaining sustainability hidupnyayang fixed. Whereas in animals semiasal monkeys, they will turn out great mengeksplorasialamsangat. It was driven by a curiosity that remained throughout the ages or by issac Asimov (1920) called instinck. Instinct was centered on one thing only, namely to sustain life.
Mind of a new born baby, which is almost similar mengalamiperkembangan from age to age. When the baby grows into a child who began to observe the environment, various questions arise didalampikirannya. To answer these questions, conduct investigations sendiriatau child asked the mother, father, sister or anyone else who nurture him.Since the development of the Human Mind Natural Born To AdultThe minds of children is growing rapidly. The curiosity of a child will mememah, if the people around him are too busy, too lazy or too stupid to satisfy a child's curiosity tersebuHumans can make and use tools that work in call human (homo faber)Humans can talk (homo longuens)Humans can live in a society (homo socius) and cultured (homo humanist)Man can hold on dasarperhitunagn economic enterprises (homo aeconomicus)Humans also recognize the beauty around him (homo aestheticus)When the time comes, he will die.• Development Nature Human Mind Since Ancient Times Until Today The.• In ancient times, humans have manghadapi various tekateki yankni rising and setting of the sun, moon changes shape, etc.• Encouraged curiosity is very strong, early humans began to investigate what was going on what the cause of the phenomenon and what are the consequences. These investigations yield answers to many problems, but then there will be new issues.• Thus the minds of the early humans began berkembang.Perkembangan ongoing until sekarangdan will berlanjutdi future.• e y. Humans can conduct business on the basis of economic calculation (homo aeconomicus). In economic law, all activities must be on the basis of profit and loss. At first the man is self-sufficient, then on the basis of the merit system developed markets (production sold on the market) and greater profits, thus increasing productivity. f. Man is aware of the supernatural forces that have greater ability than humans, so humans have beliefs or religion (religious homo).• He also taught that there are four elements of the earth, namely: earth, water, air and fire d. Erasthothenes (276-195 BC) was the first to calculate the size of the earth as a round object. e. Ptolemy (127-151 BC) expressed the opinion that the earth was the center of the universe, are round, stationary equilibrium without poles. 3. Heliocentric (Helios = sun) is the assumption that the sun is the center of the universe. This is a novel argument for increasingly perfect instruments such as telescopes and observers of the increasing capabilities of human thinking that occurred in 1500-1600.• EJARAH HUMAN KNOWLEDGE OBTAINED
Humans always curious, then something unanswered said God only knows, who knows the meaning of God and God only knows bissawab which means God knows the truth. Further development of advanced human curiosity is to meet the needs of non-physical or natural mind, for the man had himself answer. A. Comte stated that there are three stages of the history of human development, the stage of theology (metaphysics stage), stage of philosophy and the positive phase (phase sciences). Myths include theology or tahp metefisika stage. Mythology is the knowledge about the myth that is a collection of mythological stories. Mythical story itself is transmitted through dances, songs, puppets and more.

The theory on the formation of the Universe• A. Fog Theory
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) German philosopher nation and Piere Simon Laplace (1749-1827) the French astronomers theorized Nebular Hypothesis. Kant put forward his theory in 1755, while the Laplace put forward in 1796. At the end of the 19th century fog theory disputed by some experts such as James Clark Maxwell is giving out the conclusion that when a planet-forming material distributed around the sun form a disc or a disc, then the force caused by the difference in rotation (angular velocity) will prevent freezing planet . In the 20th century, experiments were conducted to prove the formation of the rings, Laplace showed that the magnetic field and electric field sun has damaged the freezing rocks
Based on the hypothesis Fowler, galaxies originated from an incandescent gas clouds with very large mass. The fog then hold the contraction and condensation while continuing to spin on its axis. There is a mass that remains, which is on the outside of the incandescent fog earlier. It also held a mass contraction and condensation is formed incandescent gas clumps are the stars. For those who still form a large mass of fog. In the same way, the outside of the left also hold condensation forming planet. Likewise satellites forming part of the planet moon.

•. Theory of planetesimals• Thomas C. Chamberlain and Forest R.Moulton in 1900 to say that our solar system formed as a result of another star who almost hit the sun.• C. Tidal Theory Stars• Tidal theory first put forward by James Jean and Herold Jaffries on tahun1917. Tidal hypothesis is very similar to the hypothesis planetesimals. But the difference lies in the amount originally sun.• distance of the sun to the Earth with scientific notation
Earth's distance to the sun is 93,000,000 miles. This distance is used as an astronomical unit. One astronomical unit (AU = Astronomical Unit) is 93 million miles = 148 million km. Compared to Earth, the Sun's diameter is approximately 112 times the diameter of Earth. Sun tensile force is roughly 30 times the force of gravity. Sunlight taking time 8 minutes to reach the Earth and the bright sunlight can cause anyone who sees the sun continues to be blind.• The surface temperature of the Sun
According to the calculations of experts, the temperature at the surface of the sun around 6,000 ° C, but there is also a mention of the surface temperature of 5,500 ° C. Any type of rock or metal that is in the earth will melt at such high temperatures. The highest temperature is located in the middle, which was at least 25 million degrees Celsius, but it states that the temperature at the core of 15 million degrees Celsius. There is also
mentioning in the sun's core temperature approximately approximately 13.889 million ° C. According to JR Meyer, solar heat comes from a meteorite that fell at high speed on the surface of the sun. Meanwhile, according to the theory of Helmholz H contraction, the heat comes from the shrinking of the gas sphere. Another expert, Dr. Bothe said that the heat comes from thermonuclear reactions are also called synthetic reaction of hydrogen-helium• Rotation of the Sun
Because the Sun is not solid but rather in the form of plasma, causing the rotation faster at the equator than at the poles. Rotation in the equatorial region is about 25 days and 35 days in the polar regions. Each round and has a gravity of 27.9 times Earth's gravity. There is julangan searing gas that can reach up to thousands and even millions of kilometers into space. Bursts of sun 'sun flare' can disrupt the communication such as radio waves, TV and radar in Earth and capable of damaging satellites or space stations were not protected. The sun also produces radio waves, ultra-violet, infra-red rays, X-rays, and the solar wind that spread throughout the solar system• Movement of the Sun
The sun has two kinds of motion as follows:• Rotation around the axis, length 25 1/2 days one time round. Rotational movement can be demonstrated with visible black spots at the core of which is sometimes
• located on the right and about 2 weeks of being on the left.
• Move between star clusters. In addition to rotating, moving between the constellations the sun at speeds of 20 miles per second, the movement around the galactic center.• the benefits of the sun
The sun has a very important function for the earth. Radiant energy the sun has made the earth warm for life, make the air and water circulating in the earth, plants can photosynthesize, and many other things.• Is a source of energy (heat rays). The energy contained in coal and oil actually comes from the sun.• Controlling the circulation of the earth's stability which also means controlling the occurrence of day and night, as well as controlling the other planets. Without the sun, it is hard to imagine that there will be life on earth.•. Solar EnergyAlmost all the energy on earth comes from the sun. Solar radiation energy can be converted into electrical energy and heat energy. Equipment that uses cells - solar cells can directly convert solar radiation energy into electrical energy. At this time, cells - solar cells begin to offer our state for home - home. Cells - solar cells can convert solar radiation energy into heat energy (heat). Heat energy
• generated can be used to heat the room, heat water, and other purposes. At this time, cells - solar cells are usually found on the roof - the roof of the home, hospital, and hotel in Jakarta. One of the problems encountered in the utilization of this energy is the sun does not always shine brightly throughout the day. Why? Because sometimes the sun is covered by clouds.• Thermal Energy mber
All of which can lead to heat called heat energy source. Useful thermal energy for human life. For example, for drying clothes, ironing, and cooking food. The main source of heat in the earth comes from the sun. Another example is a source of heat, fire and electrical appliances that generate heat. Try rub - rub the palms of your hands! What do you feel? If rubbed the palms of your hands - rub together, then there will be hot. The heat arising from friction surfaces of both palms. Heat energy that causes you to feel warmer. That is why, people will feel more warm cold when his hands digesekk•. Solar Energy
Almost all the energy on earth comes from the sun. Solar radiation energy can be converted into electrical energy and heat energy. Equipment that uses cells - solar cells can directly convert solar radiation energy into electrical energy. At this time, cells - solar cells begin to offer our state for home - home. Cells - solar cells can convert the energy of light radiation
• sun into heat energy (heat). The resulting heat energy can be used to heat the room, heat water, and other purposes. At this time, cells - solar cells are usually found on the roof - the roof of the home, hospital, and hotel in Jakarta. One of the problems encountered in the utilization of this energy is the sun does not always shine brightly throughout the day. Why? Because sometimes the sun is covered by clouds.•. Energy Water
Water flows from a high place to a more rendah.Aliran heavy water is a source of mechanical energy. This energy can be used to generate electricity nergi. Have you ever gone to a dam or reservoir? At the dam, the water that falls from the top of the dam would result in a very heavy flow. This state can be used to drive a turbine which turns a generator. Rotating generator produces electrical energy. In addition to dams, tidal movements can also be used to generate electricity.• Wind energy
Many activities that utilize wind energy. For example, in the game of kite, kite, kite flying sports, sailboats. However, a very large wind can lead to disaster (this discussion you will learn in Chapter 9). Wind energy is an alternative energy source that is cheap and does not cause pollution. Wind energy can also be used on windmills that generate electricity. Blades - blades on the windmill will spin faster if there is great wind that blew. This round can
• drive a turbine at a power plant. Thus, wind energy can be a source of electrical energy generation. In the Netherlands, windmill used for pumping water to dry land. The windmill is also constructed in such places - places that are prone to flooding, to pump water. Since the number of windmills in the Netherlands, until the country was dubbed Windmills country.• Definition of Basic Natural Sciences (IAD)• Basic Natural Sciences is the mengkajitentang Science symptoms in the universe, including the earth, sehinggaterbentuk concepts and principles. Basic Natural Sciences• only examines the concepts and principles essential baseline only.• (Basic Natural Science)• Natural Sciences• or often called the Natural Sciences and lately also a mention iniada Science faulty world, which in English is called• Natural Science• Science• and the Indonesian've lazimdigunakan term• Science
• Basic Natural Sciences (IAD) is a new learning program yangdikembangkan in Higher Education. Dynamic development that are able to support the development of technologies that ultimately mampumeningkatkan human welfare, but if science is not in point would prejudice human utilization, can even destroy human civilization itself•. The Nature and Scope of Basic Natural Sciences senses will provide responses to all stimuli dimanatanggapan it into an experience. Diperolehterakumulasi experience because of the curiosity (curiosity to know) humans. Pengalamanmerupakan one formation• knowledge•, which is a collection of facts-fakta.Pengalaman will continue to grow as the development of human danmewariskan to the next generations• pengetahuandidorong increase by two things, the first impulse• is self satisfying curiosity, which is non practical or theoretical curiosity to meet and memahamihakekat nature and its contents. While the second impulse is the urge praktisyang utilize that knowledge to improve the lives of the lebihtinggi• Basic Natural Science is a science mengkajitentang phenomena in the universe, including the earth, to know the laws of nature and their regularity, knowing forerunner ilmualam, knowing
• the development of the natural sciences. And in the end human nature dapatmemanfaatkan maximum m So the question "why it can happen?" Will be answered by the study of this science. In addition, a sense of curiosity (curiosity tau) darimanusia who have never experienced the satisfaction will be fulfilled despite hanyasementara alone or even just a hypothesis• possible and preserve• Birth of the Universe. Know the nature of the universe is semestaPengertian is the space where in the biotic and abiotic dalamnyaterdapat life and all sorts of peristiwaalam which may be disclosed or not can diungka. Semestaa natural formation theory. Ledakankarena theory of the existence of a mass and density are very large, with a great burst due to the reaction core. The mass is then scattered expands very rapidly away from pusatledakan. pkanoleh humans.• b. Expansion and contraction theory is grounded theories of mind that there is a cycle and the universe, the "future expansion" and "contraction time" alleged that this cycle takes place in a time of 30.000 million years.• Solar System• is a collection of celestial bodies that consist of a star that disebutmataharidan all the objects that surround it. These objects include eight pelanet (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, starnus, Uranus, Neptune)
• are already known to orbit shaped natural elips173satelit_satelit have been identified, and millions of celestial objects (meteors asteroit, komed) other.• The hypothesis about the formation of the solar system: a. Nebular hypothesis nebular hypothesis was first put forward imanuel Kant (1724-1804) on tahun1775. Then the hypothesis is refined by piere marquis delaplacepada tahun1796.Oleh Therefore, this hypothesis is better known as the Kant-Laplace hypothesis Nebula. In the early stages of the solar system is a giant fog. This mist is formed dardebu.es, and gas gas disebutnebula.Unsur most berupahidrogen. Because of its gravitational force, the fog was shrinking and spinning in a particular direction. As a result, the temperature heats up and the fog akhirnyamenjadi giant star called the sun. Giant sun continues• fog was shrinking and turning in a particular direction. As a result, the temperature heats up and the fog akhirnyamenjadi giant star called the sun. Terusmenyusut giant sun and spins faster. Furthermore gasdan rings around the ice ejected matahari.gaya geravitasi, these gases condense along with a decrease in temperature and form pelanet. In the same way, pelanet formed outside as well.• Tidal Theory• Tidal Theory (Jeans and Harold) This theory says that the system of two pieces suryaterbentuk sun moved closer. Then, there was a tug-of-events
• causing the sparks darimatahari. Percika-splash (tidal) is at the planets and other celestial bodies.• Hypothesis Condensation Condensation hypothesis originally put forward by the Dutch astronomer who bernamaG.P Kuiper (1905-1937)• explain that the solar system formed from a giant rotating ball fog forming giant discs•. Twins star hypothesis
Binary star hypothesis was originally proposed by Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) in 1956. Hypothesis suggests that firstly our Solar System in the form of two stars of similar size and adjacent to one of them exploded leaving debris-serpihankecil. The debris will be trapped by the gravity of stars that do not explode and began to surround it.DEVELOPMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SCIENCE BY WEST AND AL QURAN
Biological Sciences West Seen from the ancient notion put forward by Aristotle in biology with his theory of abiogenesis or spontaneous generation which explains that living things just happen from inanimate objects. This theory is much contested. Emerging new theory vivum Omne ex ovo and ex vivo omne ovum, meaning that living things come from eggs and all eggs come from living things. However, this theory can not answer questions that first origin of life in the world
• Development of Biological Sciences, Physics and Chemistry of Natural Sciences According to the West and the Qur'an 4. Theory of Evolution and Engineering of Natural Sciences Reproductive According to the Qur'an West and Western Technology and Environmental Problems and Progress West Classifieds Abatement Efforts in the Field of Science and Technology Role of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) in the background of human life and the scope of Cultural Studies basic• Limitations and advantages Ilmiyah Methods Limitations Because the data used to draw conclusions from the observations of the senses, which has limited the ability to capture a fact. The possibility of drawing erroneous conclusions da Ilmiyah ada.Sblm also no truth that science reject the conclusion that it is considered correct.• Limitations and advantages Ilmiyah Methods Limitations Because the data used to draw conclusions from the observations of the senses, which has limited the ability to capture a fact. The possibility of drawing erroneous conclusions da Ilmiyah ada.Sblm also no truth that science reject the conclusion that it is considered correct.• A.tujuan and Scope of Basic Natural Sciences• Basic Natural Sciences 1.Tujuan• For a student as "• The Agent of Change"• it is required to have a broad horizon both in the field of social terutamadalam natural science, as in the social environment he jugamenempati natural environment and he will meet the problem of knowledge alamyang require reasoning that he expected to be sensitive, rapid tanggapdan can take appropriate action against yangada natural problems and is responsible for a variety of developmental problems Natural Science and Technology in addition to social and cultural issues that is in the public• Scope of money Basic Natural Sciences
According to the syllabus of Basic Natural Science, published by the Directorate General of Higher Education KonsorsiumMKDU Depdibud and Higher Education Directorate of Religious Affairs in Jakarta, IAD materials include:
Introduction to the IPA
scope of IPAIPA and developmental biology
The impact of science and technological development to kehidupanmanusia.
Science, technology, and human survival• Biological Aspects of Islamic Judging from molekuker biological challenge to the traditional concept of humanity and religion from human life should be considered seriously. If the human organism derived from amino acids and proteins that can not be
• distinguished from other organisms then what distinguishes human life? Genetic intervention in human problems is increasing. Discuss biological genetics plays penting.Biologi not immune to the prevalent scientific tendencies, so inevitably, this science trailing worldview of modern science.• Nevertheless, biologists have earned a special place in the world of science. More important than that, biology can be directed to the axioms for a definition of human nature and biology here can be an ideology. One of the things to watch out for is a biological view of sociobiology that morality has now fallen into the realm of biology. Without the abiologis sexual morality, what would happen with the Muslim view? Are the rules of Muslim sexual behavior also depends on the biology or biology in this regard hymen? No, Islam does not recognize it in the form of shallowCARBON PROCESS UNIVERSE The universe and its inhabitants in the opinion of the ancients is a room or enclosure with a flat earth as well as the floor and ceiling of the roof. So the universe or the universe is a vast room in which there is life. Theory of the formation of the universe. Universe occurred in the past year along with a variety of major eruption. The theory is as follows: 1. Expansion theory proposed by Hubble (1940) and developed by astronomers and the Big Bang theory emerged (Big Bang Theory) by George Gamow (Russian).
• This is because the earth is only explained further development of living things. In 1893, Harold Uray of America to conduct research and found that amino acids are important components of the protoplasm, whereas the protoplasm is the basic substance of the living cell. Uray theory is seen as a basic concept of the living creature according to modern biology. According to one theory, now diverse organisms is the result of an evolutionary process of life. That initially there is a single-celled organism.Bye "Arif35

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